Thai - Hello

Isaan Thai - I drink beer

Thai - What is your name?

Isaan Thai - We like you

Thai - I want a beer Chang

Isaan Thai - I miss you

Thai - Can we meet again?

Isaan Thai - I'll phone you tomorrow

Thai - Good luck

Isaan Thai - How are you?

Thai - I'm just looking

Isaan Thai - Where do you come from?

Thai - Please switch on the fan

Isaan Thai - You're welcome

Thai - Where are the toilets?

Isaan Thai - Do you have a bottle opener?

Isaan Thai - Do you have a bottle opener?

Thai - Hello

Isaan Thai - I drink beer

Thai - What is your name?

Isaan Thai - We like you

Thai - I want a beer Chang

Speak the language of the people you meet and love in Thailand.
Start learning today!

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Speak Thai Volume 2 Contents
When you buy Speak Thai Volume 2 you can be confident that you will get a fully rounded course that teaches important aspects of Thai conversation and grammar in an easy to follow, interesting, step by step process. The course has been expertly designed and structured to ensure that in the process of learning practical vocabulary and conversation within highly relevant situations you are taught the key grammar and language knowledge you need to know. You will learn the essential language foundations for Thai speaking success in all Thai conversations you participate in.
- Welcome to Speak Thai Volume
- Features
- Objectives of Speak Thai
- Tones
- Colloquial pronunciation
- About the book and DVD
- Using this book and DVD
- Referring to people from Thailand and the WestThe journey continues …
- Numbers, the calendar and time
- Tone practice
- Numbers: 1 - 10
- Numbers: 11 - 19
- Numbers: 20 - 29
- Numbers: 20 - 29 Colloquial
- Numbers: 30 - 100
- Numbers: 100 - 1,000,000,000
- Numbers: 100, 200, 1000, 2000 … 2,000,000,000
- Numbers: Examples of complex numbers
- Numbers: Ordinal
- Classifiers: Using classifiers with numbers
- Classifiers: The 20 classifiers you should know
- Classifiers: When noun and classifier are the same
- Classifiers : Some practical examples of classifier use
- Time: Quantifying time
- Time: Telling the time
- Time: 1 am - 6 am
- Time: 7 am - mid day
- Time: Visual summary of am clock times
- Time: 1 pm - 6 pm
- Time: 7 pm - midnight
- Time: Visual summary of pm clock times
- Time: The origins of Thai time clock words
- Time: How the origins of Thai time keeping contribute to Thai time names
- Time: What time is it?
- Time:Indicating degrees of time
- Time: The 24 hour clock
- Time: The 24 hour clock
- Time:A timeless culture
- Days: Days of the week
- Days: Asking what day it is
- Days: Days of the week, colours and superstitions
- Months: Month names
- Months: Asking what month it is
- Thai calendar: How to express dates in Thai
- Thai calendar: Thai calendar and lunar year
- Time periods: Day parts
- Time periods: Examples of day parts in use
- Time periods: Early and late
- Time periods: Examples of early and late in use
- Time periods: Today, tomorrow, yesterday, everyday
- Time periods: Combining time period words with day part words
- Time periods: This, next, last
- Time periods: Indicating something happened a specific time ago
- Time periods: Indicating something will happen at a specific time in the future
- Time periods: Examples of this, next, last words in use
- Summary
- Develop and check your learning
- Around town
- Tone practice
- Destinations: Recap A - Z
- Shopping
- Shopping: What are you buying?
- Shopping: Price
- Shopping: Things you can ask and say
- Bartering
- Bartering: Asking the price
- Bartering: Commenting on price
- Bartering: Asking for a discount
- Bartering: Bartering and agreeing a better price
- Bartering: Other things you may say to get a lower price
- Bartering: Commenting on the state of item to get a lower price
- Bartering: Things sellers may say to you
- Bartering: If you don’t want to buy
- Shopping: Paying for an item
- Shopping: Returning change
- Grammar: Word intensifiers
- Buying clothes
- Clothes: Dressing and undressing
- Clothes: Items of clothing
- Clothes: Sizes
- Clothes: ‘To try’ words and phrases
- Clothes: Commenting on size
- Clothes: Asking for a different size
- Colours: A - Z
- Colours: Dark / light colours
- Colours: Asking for a colour
- Fruit, vegetables, herbs and spices
- Fruit: Fruit names A - Z
- Fruits: Quantities
- Fruits: Asking how much a fruit costs
- Fruits: Indicating fruit you want
- Fruits: Indicating fruit quantities you want using classifiers
- Vegetables: A - Z
- Herbs and spices
- Vegetable / herb quantities
- Buying vegetables, herbs and spices
- Getting your haircut: Vocabulary
- Getting your haircut: Conversation
- The post office: Vocabulary
- The post office: Sending mail
- The post office: Asking for stamps
- Banks
- Photo development: Vocabulary
- Hotels: Vocabulary A - Z
- Hotels: Checking in
- Hotels: Requesting a room
- Hotels: Asking the price of a room
- Hotels: Asking to see the room
- Hotels: Asking if there are better rooms available
- Hotels: Indicating the length of your stay
- Hotels: Checking out
- Hospital: Vocabulary
- Hospital: Body parts A - Z
- Hospital: Pain
- Hospital: Common ailments
- Hospital: Bites, burns, cuts, stings and breaks
- Hospital: Describing the symptoms
- Hospital: Describing the symptoms (continued)
- Hospital: Frequency
- Hospital: Treatment
- Hospital: Saying you have an allergy
- Hospital: Getting better
- Dentist: Vocabulary and conversation
- Develop and check your learning
- Getting about
- Tone practice
- Travel: The main forms of transport A - Z
- Travel: Road features
- Travel: Driving related words
- Filling up with petrol
- Parking
- Some road signs
- Taxi: Asking to be taken to a destination
- Taxi: Asking whether the taxi driver knows of a location
- Taxi: Asking about the likely duration of the journey
- Tuk tuk: Negotiating the fare
- Tuk tuk: Confirming the fare
- Tipping your taxi / tuk tuk driver
- Road travel: Protection by the spirits
- Bus travel
- Bus travel: Key words A - Z
- Bus travel: Finding the ticket office
- Bus travel: Getting details of journey
- Bus travel: Questions the ticket seller may ask
- Bus travel: What the ticket seller may say
- Bus travel: If no seats are available
- Bus travel: Buying tickets
- Giving directions: General
- Giving directions: Right and left directions
- Giving directions: In relation to other landmarks
- Giving directions: Street location
- Giving directions: Map
- Giving directions: Detailed directions to hotel
- Giving directions: Detailed directions to bar
- Giving directions: Detailed directions to post office
- Stop commands: General
- Stop commands: Examples of specific stop commands
- Asking directions: Lost
- Asking directions: Question types for getting directions
- Asking directions: General directions
- Asking directions: More specific directions
- Asking directions: Establishing distances
- Asking directions: North, south, east, west ...
- Develop and check your learning
- Eating out, telephone conversation and Thaiglish
- Tone practice
- The mid-day meal
- Popular one dish meals
- Condiments
- Going out for a meal: Deciding on the restaurant
- Going out for a meal: Arriving at the restaurant
- Going out for a meal: Deciding what to order
- Going out for a meal: Using ‘gor dy’
- Going out for a meal: The mighty chilli and the famous Thai smile
- Going out for a meal: What the serving staff may ask
- Going out for a meal: Asking questions about the food on offer
- Going out for a meal: Ordering and the use of classifiers
- Going out for a meal: Key classifier words
- Going out for a meal: Asking for more
- Menu decoding: The secret to successful menu decoding
- Menu decoding: The method of cooking
- Menu decoding: The main ingredients
- Menu decoding: The food type and style of dish
- Menu decoding: Dishes on a typical menu
- Menu decoding: Menu decoding typical dishes exercise
- Menu decoding: Rice dishes
- Menu decoding: Menu decoding rice dishes exercise
- Menu decoding: Noodle dishes
- Drinks
- Paying the bill: Getting the attention of serving staff
- Paying the bill: Asking for the bill
- Paying the bill: The role of the sponsor
- Toilets: Finding the toilets
- Toilets: Toilet functions
- Telephoning: Key vocabulary
- Telephoning: Indicating an intention to telephone
- Telephoning: Arranging to meet up
- Telephoning: Conversation when phone is answered by someone else
- Telephoning: Conversation when the person you want to speak to isn’t there
- Telephoning: leaving a message
- Telephoning: Requesting to be put through to a telephone extension
- Telephoning: Problems with the line
- Miscellaneous grammar: ‘gor’
- Miscellaneous grammar: Conjunctions - and, and / with, and then, because, but
- Miscellaneous grammar: Examples of conjunctions in use
- Miscellaneous grammar: Indicating the frequency of an activity – always, usually, never
- Miscellaneous grammar: Examples of indicating the frequency of an activity in use
- Miscellaneous grammar: Indicating intended action – must / need, should, probably, might, perhaps
- Miscellaneous grammar: Examples of indicating intended action words in use
- Miscellaneous grammar: Comparatives – same / not the same
- Miscellaneous grammar: Examples of same / not the same in use
- Miscellaneous grammar: Comparatives – similar / not similar
- Miscellaneous grammar: Examples of similar / not similar in use
- Miscellaneous grammar: Comparatives – same as / different
- Miscellaneous grammar: Examples of same as / different in use
- Thaiglish: Introduction
- Thaiglish: 14 key characteristics with examples
- Develop and check your learning
- Life in rural Thailand
- Tone practice
- Countryside features: vocabulary
- Countryside features: Settlement types
- Animals: Domestic
- Animals: Wild
- Animals: Insects
- Houses: Names of rooms
- Houses: Features
- Houses: locations around a house
- Waking up in a Thai village: sleep / bedroom furnishing related vocabulary
- Waking up in a Thai village: washing / personal hygiene related vocabulary
- Waking up in a Thai village: personal hygiene, smelling bad
- The village environment: Common features you see
- The village environment: Animal enclosure types
- Rice farming: Introduction
- Rice farming: Rice farming activities
- Rice farming: The changing face of Thai rice farming
- Fishing: Vocabulary
- Fishing: Asking about catch
- Food gathering activities
- Weather: Seasons
- Weather: Type
- Weather: Results from rain
- Weather: General comments about climate
- Weather: Talking rain
- Weather: Talking about type of rain and climate
- Weather: Folksy expressions ./ sayings
- Music: Music, karaoke and morlam
- Music: ‘look tung’, ‘plehng peua chee-wit’, ‘mor lam’ / ‘mor lam sing’
- Music: Live music vocabulary
- Thai values: ‘nam jy’
- Thai values: ‘kwahm ga-than yoo’
- Thai values: ‘sam neuk bun kun’
- Thai values: ‘nap teu’
- Thai values: ‘jy yen’
- Thai values: ‘grehng jy’
- Thai values: ‘riap roy’
- Thai values: ‘torn dtua’
- Thai values: ‘su-pahp’
- Thai values: ‘sa-nuk’
- Thai values: ‘sa-bai’
- Thai values: Summary
- Develop and check your learning
- Phonetic transliteration: Low class consonants
- Phonetic transliteration: Mid class consonants
- Phonetic transliteration: High class consonants
- Phonetic transliteration: Short vowels
- Phonetic transliteration: Long vowels
For Speak Thai Vol. 2 grammar content:
Speak Thai Volume 2 Grammar
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