Thai - Hello

Isaan Thai - I drink beer

Thai - What is your name?

Isaan Thai - We like you

Thai - I want a beer Chang

Isaan Thai - I miss you

Thai - Can we meet again?

Isaan Thai - I'll phone you tomorrow

Thai - Good luck

Isaan Thai - How are you?

Thai - I'm just looking

Isaan Thai - Where do you come from?

Thai - Please switch on the fan

Isaan Thai - You're welcome

Thai - Where are the toilets?

Isaan Thai - Do you have a bottle opener?

Thai - Have you eaten yet?

Thai - Hello

Isaan Thai - I drink beer

Thai - What is your name?

Isaan Thai - We like you

Speak the language of the people you meet and love in Thailand.
Start learning today!

'Very good book. Can't wait to put it into practice. Thanks a lot. Will definitely be getting Volume 2.' Billy Waylett jnr., U.S.A.
Speak Isaan Thai Volume 1 Contents
When you buy Speak Isaan Thai Volume 1 you can be confident that you will get a fully rounded course that teaches all aspects of Thai conversation and grammar in an easy to follow, interesting, step by step process. The course has been expertly designed and structured to ensure that in the process of learning practical vocabulary and conversation within highly relevant situations you are taught the key grammar and language knowledge you need to know. You will learn the essential language foundations for Isaan Thai speaking success in all Isaan Thai conversations you participate in.
- Welcome to Speak Isaan Thai
- Features
- Objectives of Speak Isaan Thai
- Using this book and DVD
- Transliteration
- Referring to people from Isaan and the West
- Why you need to learn Isaan Thai rather than Central Thai
- Background to N.E. Thailand: Country
- Background to N.E. Thailand: Language
- The Thai, Lao and Isaan Thai languages
- Major differences between Isaan Thai and Central Thai languages
- Major differences between Isaan Thai and Lao language
- The journey begins …
- Introduction to pronunciation
- Pronounce an Isaan Thai word correctly
- Tones
- Tones: Why tones are important
- Tones: Tone practice
- Vowels
- Vowels: Short and long
- Vowels: How our phonetic system shows short and long vowel sounds
- Consonants
- Consonants: Unfamiliar consonants sounds at the beginning of words
- Consonants: The ‘ng’ consonant
- Consonants: Fine tuning your pronunciation of the ‘ng’ sound
- Consonants: The ‘ny’ consonant
- Consonants: Fine tuning your pronunciation of the ‘ny’ sound
- Consonants: The ‘dt’ consonant
- Consonants: Fine tuning your pronunciation of the ‘dt’ sound
- Consonants: The ‘bp’ consonant
- Consonants: Fine tuning your pronunciation of the ‘bp’ sound
- Consonants: Words ending in ‘p’, ‘t’ and ‘k’ sounds
- Pronunciation and tone variances
- Speed of speech
- Summary
- Greetings
- Tone Practice
- The basic structure of the language #1
- The basic structure of the language #2
- The basic structure of the language #3
- The basic structure of the language #4
- The basic structure of the language #5
- Personal pronouns
- Personal pronouns: Examples of use
- Personal pronouns: Omitting personal pronouns
- Personal pronouns: Noun + pronoun + verb sentence forms
- Polite particles: ‘kap’ / ‘ka’
- Polite particles: Function
- Polite particles: ‘krap pom’
- Polite particles: ‘jah’
- Greetings: Saying hello
- Greetings: The wai
- Greetings: Responding to store staff wai
- Greetings: Why infants hate to wai and ‘sa-wad-dee kap’
- Greetings: ‘bpy sy?’
- Greetings: Responding to ‘bpy sy?'
- Greetings: ‘bpy sy mah?’
- Greetings: Responding to ‘bpy sy mah?’
- Greetings: Destinations A - Z
- Greetings: Where you are going?
- Greetings: Where you have been?
- Greetings: Responding to bpy …’ and ‘bpy … mah’
- Greetings: Making two way conversation
- Greetings: What about you?
- Greetings: Examples what about you?
- Greetings: You, you!
- Greetings: ‘gin kow’
- Grammar: Reduplication
- Greetings: Asking what is being eaten
- Greetings: Enquiring whether the food is tasty
- Greetings: What are you doing?
- Greetings: What have you been doing?
- Greetings: ‘fa-lang, fa-lang’ / ‘bak see-dah’
- Greetings: Other
- Greetings: Babies and young infants
- Greetings: Telephone
- Goodbye: ‘Sa-wad-dee kap’
- Goodbye: ‘lah gorn’ and ‘bpy gorn der’
- Goodbye: What you intend to do
- Goodbye: Back home is better
- Goodbye: Good luck
- Goodbye: I’ll see you later
- Goodbye: Babies
- Goodbye: Telephone
- 49: A typical greeting conversation
- Summary
- Vocabulary list
- Develop and check your learning
- Meeting people
- Tone practice
- Thai: The compound word language
- Question words
- Question words: Question marker
- Question words: What?
- Question words: Where?
- Question words: When?
- Question words: Why?
- Question words: Which?
- Question words: Who?
- Question words: How?
- Question words: How much? / How many?
- Question words: How long?
- Isaan Thai tenses
- 16.Isaan Thai tenses: On-going present activity
- 17.Isaan Thai tenses: Completed activity
- 18.Isaan Thai tenses: Future activity
- Initial greetings and conversation: Common questions asked
- What is your name?
- What is your name?: Nicknames
- What is your name?: Examples of ‘seu len’ names
- Where do you come from?
- What nationality are you?
- What nationality are you?: Grammar use - ‘bpen’, ‘maen’
- What country do you come from?: Country names A - Z
- What place/ town do you come from?
- How old are you?
- How old are you?: Isaan Thai numbers 0 - 10
- How old are you?: Isaan Thai numbers 11 - 19
- How old are you?: Isaan Thai numbers 20 - 29
- How old are you?: Isaan Thai numbers 30 - 100
- How old are you?: Reactions
- What is your occupation?
- What is your occupation?: Pre-fixes
- What is your occupation?: Occupations A - Z
- Are you a tourist?
- Do you like Thailand?
- Summary: Common questions asked
- Showing interest words and phrases
- 51. Summary
- 52. Vocabulary list
- 53. Develop and check your learning
- Eating
- Tone practice
- Request words: ‘kor’
- Request words: ‘ow’
- Request words: ‘suay‘
- Request words: ‘dy bor?’
- Request words: ‘sern’
- Request words: ‘kor-toht kap’ / ‘Kor-toht ka’
- Polite particles: ‘nae’
- Polite particles: ‘der’
- Food: Eating
- Food: Meal staples
- Food: Wildlife
- Food: Method of food preparation
- Food: Cooking methods
- Food: Live food
- Food: Sitting down to eat
- Food: Announcing meal times
- Food: Dips and sauces
- Food: Eating rice
- Food: Eating utensils
- Food: Raw food
- Food: Drinking water
- Food questions
- Food questions: Have you eaten yet?
- Food questions: Are you hungry?
- Food questions: Do you like Thai food?
- Food questions: Can you eat Thai / Isaan food?
- Food questions: Do you eat spicy food?
- Food questions: Is the food spicy?
- Food questions: Is the food tasty?
- Food questions: Do you want more?
- Food questions: Do you want more rice?
- Food questions: Are you full?
- Food questions: Summary
- Describing food: Characteristics
- Describing food: Strength of characteristic
- Describing food: Softening negative responses
- Thank you: Saying and acknowledging
- Summary
- Vocabulary list
- Develop and check your learning
- Drinking
- Tone practice
- To want words: ‘yahk’ / ‘yahk si’
- To want words: ‘ow’
- To want words: ‘dtorng gahn’
- To like: ‘mak’
- To bring and to take: ‘ow… mah’
- To bring and to take: ‘ow…bpy’
- Words meaning ‘for’: ‘hy’
- Words meaning ‘for’: ‘sam-lap’
- Drinking alcohol
- Whisky
- Whisky: White alcohol
- Whisky: Drink etiquette for ‘see sip’
- Whisky: Asking for water
- Whisky: Coloured whisky
- Whisky: Drink etiquette for coloured whisky
- Whisky: Whisky talk
- Indicating 'with': ‘sy’
- Indicating 'with': ‘gap’
- Indicating 'with': ‘nam gan’
- Beer
- Beer: What beer do you want to drink?’ question forms
- Beer: Adding ice
- Beer: Drinking etiquette
- Beer: Refills
- Beer: Toasts
- Buying drinks
- Beer package formats
- Requesting drinks from store: classifiers
- Opening bottles #1
- Opening bottles #2
- Isaan ‘muan’
- Loud behavior
- Feeling drunk
- Hangovers
- The male - female divide and parties
- Smoking: Words
- Smoking: Phrases
- Smoking: Asking for a light / lighter
- Vocabulary list
- Develop and check your learning
- Talking about language
- Tone practice
- Question tags: ‘laeo bpy?’
- Question tags: ‘laeo bor?’
- Question tags: ‘dti?’
- Question tags: ‘maen bor?’
- Question tags: ‘no()?’
- Talking about the language: Can you speak Isaan Thai?
- Talking about the language: Is speaking Isaan Thai difficult?
- Talking about the language: How did you learn to speak Isaan Thai?
- Talking about the language: How long have you been studying Isaan Thai?
- Talking about the language: Can you read and write Thai?
- Talking about the language: Reactions to your Isaan Thai speaking ability
- Talking about the language: Responding to reactions to your Isaan Thai
- Requests to aid comprehension: Do you understand
- Requests to aid comprehension: Do you understand?
- Requests to aid comprehension: Asking what something is called in Isaan Thai
- Requests to aid comprehension: Asking what a word means
- Requests to aid comprehension: Asking how you say a word
- Requests to aid comprehension: Asking how to spell a word
- Useful vocabulary relating to learning / studying
- Interjections
- Family kinship terms
- Tone practice
- Family kinship terms #1
- Family kinship terms #2
- Family kinship terms #3:
- Family kinship terms #4
- Family kinship words: Introductions
- Family kinship words: Asking about people
- Family kinship words: Checking nature of the relationship
- Questions about your family
- Questions about your family: Marital status
- Questions about your family: Children
- Questions about your family: Brothers and sisters
- Questions about your family: How many brothers and sisters?
- Questions about your family: Position in family hierarchy
- Questions about your family: Age of family members
- Showing affection
- People characteristics
- Grammar #1: Pre-fixes
- Grammar #2: Use of ‘nah’
- Grammar #3: Use of ‘gahn’
- Grammar #4: Use of ‘kuam’
- Grammar #5: Use of ‘kee’
- Vocabulary building: Opposite words A - Z
- Vocabulary list
- Develop and check your learning
- Phonetic transliteration: Low class consonants
- Phonetic transliteration: Mid class consonants
- Phonetic transliteration: High class consonants
- Phonetic transliteration: Short vowels
- Phonetic transliteration: Long vowels
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Speak Isaan Thai Vol. 1 Grammar
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